Tuesday 26 February 2013


Well this is a blog... As you can see there are a few posts on here already from my not failed, just on hold podcast. It will be back! When you probably didn't ask, well I'm not sure. Maybe soon. So why am I doing a blog? Well that's a good question. The answer to that would be YOLO. Yeah for reals why not right. As you can already tell my writing it horrible, but maybe that's the underlying reason I'm doing this is to improve my writing skills. Well we will see how this goes I guess. I have successfully wasted your time already. Nice so this post wasn't a complete failure. But I guess since we are here for more things to waste your time until I figure out what I'm going to do with this, check out these few links. And people get involved! Interaction Is the key to anything great. Well here they are.

Well hopefully you see a trend here. This is my life and these are things I do in my life. So for now all I can say is welcome to
Life With Savi.

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